You must follow certain steps to domesticate an out-of-state subpoena in South Carolina. Here's what you should do:
Obtain a certified copy of the out-of-state subpoena from the court that issued it.
Prepare a notice of deposition or subpoena and a South Carolina subpoena form. You can find these forms on the South Carolina Judicial Department's website.
File the certified copy of the out-of-state subpoena, the notice of deposition or subpoena, and the South Carolina subpoena form with the court where the deposition or production of documents will occur.
Serve a copy of the notice of deposition or subpoena and the South Carolina subpoena form on the person or entity that is the subject of the subpoena.
If the person or entity objects to the subpoena, they must file a motion to quash it within the required days of being served with the notice of deposition or subpoena.
If there is no objection or the motion to quash is denied, the person or entity must comply with the subpoena.
If the person or entity fails to comply with the subpoena, you may file a motion to compel with the court.
Note that there may be additional requirements or procedures depending on the specific circumstances of your case. It is always best to consult a qualified attorney to ensure you follow the correct procedures and fulfill all the requirements.
Our Process Servers can Help
Contact our process servers, as we are authorized to serve subpoenas in the state.
Please provide us with a copy of the foreign subpoena and any necessary documents or information.
Our process servers will then file the foreign subpoena with the appropriate court in South Carolina and ensure that it is properly served on the person or entity named in the subpoena.
If you are interested in how to domesticate an out-of-state subpoena in South Carolina, our process servers are a valuable resource for issuing foreign subpoenas. Our professional team has unrivaled expertise in serving legal papers. We have in-depth knowledge of the requirements and rules for service in out-of-state papers. We are also quite flexible and can serve papers even on weekends.
Our team is trained to serve legal papers, eradicating disruption. Since we are quite knowledgeable about the various legal requirements for serving and domesticating subpoenas, you can be assured of a streamlined process. Ensure you contact or email us for detailed information and assistance in serving legal documents to different parties.